EPA is working to put the safety of the public back on top as a priority for decision making. At recent hearings of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works http://epw.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Home.Home chaired by Sen. Barbara Boxer http://boxer.senate.gov/ , the changes in determining "safe levels" of toxic chemicals were addressed.
Sen Boxer stated, "In recent years, science has been under siege. From clean air to perchlorate to children's health in general, decisions that should have been based on recommendations of scientific experts were weakened or derailed by political interference."
EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson discussed problems which have occurred under previous administrations,"While the laws that EPA implements leave room for policy judgments, the scientific findings on which of these judgment are based should be arrived at independently using well-established scientific methods, including peer review, to assure rigor, accuracy, and impartiality. This means that policymakers must respect the expertise and independence of the Agency's career scientists and independent advisors while insisting that the Agency's scientific processes meet the highest standards of quality and integrity."
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