Irvine Ranch Water District (IRWD)
15600 Sand Canyon Avenue
Irvine, CA 92618-3102
Irvine Ranch Water District provides both drinking water and sanitation. IRWD also produces recycled water. The district supplies both groundwater and imported water to users.
Service Area
Irvine, portions of Tustin, Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, Orange, Lake Forest and some unincorporated areas of Orange County.
Meetings are the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month at 5:00 PM at headquarters at 15600 Sand Canyon Avenue, Irvine, CA.
Board of Directors
Douglas J. Reinhart, President
Peer A. Swan, Vice President
Steven E. LaMar
Mary Aileen Matheis
John B. Withers
Facilities Operated
- Michelson Water Reclamation Plant
- San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary (Duck Club and Audobon House)
- Los Alisos Water Reclamation Plant
- Irvine Lake (aka Santiago Reservoir)
- Dyer Road Wellfield
- San Joaquin Reservoir
- 12 additional recycled water reservoirs
- 34 domestic (water produced by IRWD) reservoirs