Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has decided that surplus California state property, including the Orange County Fair and Event Center, can be sold to close the budget gap this year. In many ways, this is a nearsighted move - you can only sell the assets once, you're selling in a down real estate market so you won't get top dollar, and who knows what will happen to the property once it is sold.
On July 15, the 32nd District Agricultural Commission Board of Directors met to discuss how to save the fairgrounds from being sold and turned into something besides fair grounds. To help prevent this, the Agricultural District Board of Directors talked with other fairs in and out of state to find out how those fairs are organized. David Ellis and Vice Chair Kristina Dodge gathered the information. Also, the board drafted a resolution to show the Governor that if the fairgrounds are sold, Costa Mesa intends to keep control of the property and zoning. If the property is sold, Costa Mesa wants the fair to remain and the land not be developed for residential or other commercial use.
Director David Ellis said that the way the Los Angeles County Fairplex is managed would work well for Orange County.
The Fairplex in Pomona is owned and managed by a non-profit corporation. In 1940, the Los Angeles County Fair Corporation became the Los Angeles County Fair Association. The Federal Works Progress Administration (WPA) suggested this be done so the fair could operate on a strictly non-profit basis. The corporation, City of Pomona and County of Los Angeles agreed to the arrangement. All excess revenues were designated to go towards maintenance of the fairgrounds and development of the property.
The resolution regarding the disposition of the OC Fairgrounds in the event of a sale by Gov. Schwarzenegger was passed. The Board agrees with the proposed of the Fairgrounds and only asks that proposals from the City of Costa Mesa be considered with any other proposals to purchase the Fairgrounds. Costa Mesa is hoping a zoning designation and having the property entirely within their city boundaries (meaning the city controls the zoning) is enough to keep condos from sprouting. Costa Mesa says the city will fight any rezoning of the property forced by the state to raise the value of the property.
From a citizen's standpoint, it is disappointing to see a group so willing to allow the Fairgrounds to be sold. Also, it's difficult to see the same group which has been "studying" the issue for several months and "looking at how other fairs are managed" to have nothing more to offer up than a resolution. There is no group formed to come in and buy up the Fairgrounds before some one else does. There is no non-profit, set up and ready to go, waiting in the wings to run onto the field if they are needed. There is only a resolution standing between the Fairgrounds and some other use if sold.
The Board will meet again on July 28 at 5 PM in their new offices to discuss any changes to the budget situation. The Board may call an emergency meeting before then, if the budget situation changes suddenly.
This is the text of the resolution:
The Resolution by the Board of Directors os the 32nd District Agricultural Association
WHEREAS, in 1948 the State of California and the Orange County Fair Board of Directors purchased the original 175 acres for the Fair from the US Government for $65,000 per organization, for a total of $130,000, and
WHEREAS, the Orange County Fair is celebrating its 60th year at the site of the former Santa Ana Army Air Base, and
WHEREAS, the 32nd Agricultural District (O.C. Fair) is self-supporting, in that its operations and programs, including the annual Fair, are paid for by customers - not the California general fund, and
WHEREAS, significant physical improvements have been funded by customers, not California taxpayers, and
WHEREAS, for over a decade, the Board of Directors of the 32nd District Agricultural Association refused a state subsidy of $35,000 per year, and for last several years, have received no subsidy at all, and
WHEREAS, the Orange County Fairgrounds are wholly within the corporate limits of the City of Costa Mesa, and
WHEREAS, the City of Costa Mesa's General Plan designates the property as "Fairgrounds" and
WHEREAS, the City of Costa Mesa has zoned the property "recreational/institutional", and
WHEREAS, the City of Costa Mesa has passed Resolution #09-41 opposing the sale of the Fairgrounds for redevelopment, closure and/or relocation of OCFEC, and
WHEREAS, the State of California is facing a budget deficit of over $26 billion, the largest in the state's history, and
WHEREAS, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has proposed the sale of surplus or underutilized assets for the purpose of helping close the budget deficit, and
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the 32nd Agricultural District's Board of Directors supports Governor Schwarzenegger's proposal to sell the Orange County Fairgrounds and requests the Governor to consider, among any other proposals that may be submitted, the City of Costa Mesa's proposal for continued as as a fairgrounds and event center, and
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, this resolution will be distributed to the Governor, Orange County legislative delegation, and other public and private agencies as deemed necessary.
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